Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hello Technology!

I'm super excited!  My husband and I have been discussing tablets for my massage practice for about a month now.  Primarily for anatomy applications for the purpose of client education and for fine tuning bodywork skills.  I had gotten myself so cross-eyed trying to compare/contrast tablets and anatomy applications, and possibilities for electronic SOAP notes, that I decided to go in and touchy-feely.  In case you aren't on my Facebook page...I walked out with a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0. 

So this morning I've been getting things set up.  It's specifically for business so no Kindle app and no Bad Piggies for the toddler.  I have Square, HootSuite, Twitter, iContact, Facebook Page Manager, Blogger, a trigger point app, an anatomy app, and the iHeart Radio app loaded.

Now to explore possibilities for session notes!