Saturday, July 7, 2012

Meal Planning: The Pantry

As mentioned previously, I tend to keep a stocked pantry that aligns with the meals we tend to utilize.  My pantry is wall-mounted adjustable shelving DH had assembled for me in 2000 and a 17cf upright freezer (manual defrost).

My pantry shelving holds modest quantities of canned and packaged foods, I shop to replenish what I use out of it.  My freezer holds freezer jams we made with last year's harvest of peaches and blackberries, this year's harvest of strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and peaches.  My grains and flours, bulk meats, bulk cheese, breads, and leftovers are also in the big freezer.  The freezer that is with the fridge holds pre-cooked meats, frozen veggies, and shredded cheese.

I buy ground beef in quantity and cook it down with onion, garlic, oregano, and black pepper.  Then I package it into one-cup increments and toss into the freezer.  When I need ground beef (sloppy joes, spaghetti, etc) I toss a package in the microwave for a minute and then go on with meal prep.

When chicken breast is on sale I toss it in the crockpot with some broth and chopped green chiles to cook down.  After draining and shredding I pack it into the freezer in one-cup increments for use in makeshift pasta dishes, quasadillas, etc.  Again, a quick nuke and moving on with meal prep.

(Though, if I'm on top of my game, I defrost the pre-cooked meats in the fridge so I'm not utilizing the microwave.)

When we do bacon, any leftovers are tossed into a baggie in the freezer for use on sandwiches or served alongside breakfast dishes.  Or as a snack.  I don't reheat the bacon, I eat it frozen. 

I keep shredded cheese in the freezer.  It makes it easy for me to use it and doesn't mold.

Do you do any shortcuts in your pantry to make meal prep or meal planning easier for your household?


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