Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Media Monday--At the Starting Line

Social Post Interactive, LLC kindly invited me to participate in a podcast about social media use by small businesses.  I thought I would create a blog category to keep track of my efforts as a result of the information and ideas I received; perhaps it will prove useful to other small businesses.

Prior to the podcast my small business social media included a recently started blog and a recently started Facebook page (I had re-aligned my web presence after a 15-month maternity sabbatical, during which my original website expired).  The blog didn't have any public followers, and the Facebook page had 17 fans. 

While my Facebook URL is on my sandwich boards at market, my social media links are NOT on my business cards.  I lamented over it greatly when I was placing the order, but the cards felt cluttered with the links added to everything else--the state legislature requires that I have my licensure information, I wanted to indicate my primary modalities/services (chair, Thai foot massage, infant massage classes), and I needed to have my phone and email.  I need to ponder an adequate solution, but for now it'll have to do.

So, I'm armed with information, I'm at the starting line with a fresh web presence, and where I'm starting from is now documented.  Shall we see where this goes?  Do you think I'll achieve a high return-on-investment with my no- or low-cost marketing efforts?  Do you have a business, event, or cause that you're trying to move forward through the use of social media?

Tune in next Monday!

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