Monday, June 4, 2012

Media Monday--Twitter

I had tried Twitter in 2009, but always felt redundant in posting and never grasped the Twitterverse concept.  Facebook worked better with my logic; Twitter I couldn't wrap my brain around sufficiently.

After chatting with Hank at Social Post Interactive on one of his podcasts, I decided to give it another go.  Especially since HootSuite makes it so much easier to handle multiple social media venues.  I'm really enjoying it this go-round!

Following folks in your community (geographically, socially, and/or professionally) truly is key.  Through HootSuite, it's easy to plug in an URL and have it automatically shorten--this opens opportunities to link pictures, blog posts, or other websites.

Hash-tagging can convey emotions, shades of sarcasm, or tags/labels/metatags which can further expound your point or lead others to your twitter-feed.  Also, from the tiny screen, it's easier to tag others into your conversation than it is on Facebook.  Tagging others can improve your social media reach by showing up in their feed (and some folks may be more inclined to retweet,or re-post, when you show them some love).

Have you tried Twitter yet?  You can find me @pauseNC.


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